At the beginning of May 2016, Zdena Jirková, together with other 32 participants, attended a five-day course entitled Metalearning + Thinking Skills in Reykjavík, Iceland. The lessons took place between 9 a.m and 5 p. m. and the first half of the course was devoted to theory. Also, in the middle of the week, the participants visited a school headed by one of the tutors, Gudrun Jóhannsdóttir. The second part of the course was more practical. Zdena got particularly intrigued by a theory of thinking named ‘six thinking hats’. According to the theory, the students learned to think in six ways. By imaginary putting on the hat, they concentrated on a certain type of thinking: the white hat – we focus on data and information; the black hat – potential problems, danger, risk and difficulties; green hat – creativity, new ideas; yellow hat – advantages, benefit, is positive; blue hat – an overall perspective, setting goals, defines ways to achieve them, organizes thoughts.
Erasmus+ – Iceland