Erasmus+ in Valencia, Spain

Lucie Pavlíčková attended a two-week teacher training course in Valencia in August 2015. The course was organized by Hispania Language School, which had been elected the best Spanish language teaching institution in the past two years. She most appreciated the individual approach of the teachers as well as their teaching methods. Besides the actual course, she could perform job-shadowing activities in lessons of various levels and discuss them subsequently with a tutor in her one-to-one classes. What she will never forget is one day of learning the language on the beach, which she especially values as an obvious motivating factor. On top of her classes, Lucie also attended a talk on history of the city, took a flamenco lesson, visited the Oceanography museum and Science Museum, learned to prepare traditional drinks such as Ague de Valencia or Sangria. She believes such study stays are largely beneficial for both teachers and their students.