In June 2016, Štěpán Nosek attended a two-year course in Liguaviva Centre, Dublin. It consisted of two parts, a group seminar focusing on language competences at proficiency level and methodology of teaching grammar structures and idiomatics of English. The afternoon lessons, which he found particularly beneficial, comprised an intensive controlled discussion about the cultural context of Ireland, namely the multicultural nature of Irish history, Anglo-Irish tradition, evolution of Irish English, the position of Irish in modern Irish society, Irish economy after „the Celtic Tiger“, contemporary Irish school issues, the Easter Rising Legacy, currently celebrating its anniversary, Irish nationalism, Ireland and immigration etc. To a great deal, the teachers introduced authentic materials, thematic videos from youtube, like the BBC’s series The Story of Ireland, as well as published essays, all of which can be productively used in Štěpán’s classes on Ireland.
Course in Dublin, Ireland